Earth Day Roadside Clean-Up
Join members of the Naromi Council of Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy in sprucing up the roadsides and trailheads of Sherman preserves.
Let’s continue the tradition of adopting a trailhead and section of roadside to clean. It is a great way to celebrate Earth Day and beautify your community. Please call (860-927-1927) or email to let us know where you plan to go or let us assign you. That way we can be sure all the preserves benefit. Recruit a friend or family member – the job goes faster with helpers.
Large trash bags will be available at the Sherman Town Hall in the days before the 24th, or, on the 24th they can be picked up at the town hall parking lot. Not sure you’ll be available that morning? Do your clean-up on days before the 24th and then bring the trash to the Mallory Town Hall lower parking lot on the 24th. The trash from town roads should be taken to the dumpster at the Mallory Town Hall lower parking lot. But garbage along the state roads (Routes 55, 39, and 37) should be left in the trash bags on those roadsides. The DOT will pick up those bags on April 26th. Please wear bright clothing or ask for a vest from Town Hall so that you will be easily visible to traffic. And remember to wear gloves; thin plastic under heavy gloves are the most protective for picking up glass, cans, and unsavory items.
Closer to the 24th Sherman residents will receive more details about other clean-up options that day for e-waste, bulky waste, scrap metal, and returnable bottles/cans (no hazardous waste that day). Call Ruth at the Sherman First Selectman’s office – 860-355-1129 or send an email to with any questions specific to those options.
Preserves in Sherman that need most clean up:
Clean-ups in other towns
Kent – Kent Conservation Commission is organizing roadside cleanup efforts from April 11 through April 25. Call the Town Clerk at 860-927-3433 if you would like to help.
Sharon – Sharon Energy and Environment Commission are meeting (from a safe distance) on Saturday, April 17 at 10:00 AM in front of the Hotchkiss Library of Sharon (masks required). They will provide routes, safety vests, latex gloves, and garbage bags but ask that if you already own a safety vest to please bring that (Rain date, April 18).
Warren – Warren Townwide Clean Up, organized by the Warren Land Trust and Warren Parks and Rec. April 24 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Meet at the Warren General Store to get garbage bags and rubber gloves. You select the stretch of road to clean. There will be a dumpster at the Warren Town Garage for the trash collected.