As much an engaging storyteller as a scientist, Dr. Doug Tallamy’s presentation, “The Nature of Oaks” will leave you with a profound respect for the oak trees in our landscapes and forests. Deemed a keystone species, this often outsized tree plays an equally outsized role in supporting numerous wildlife creatures.
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What can you expect to discover?
• How oaks play a vital role in our local landscapes.
• Why those leaves are so important in summer and winter.
• Why we should save our mature oaks.
• Why we should all plant more oaks in our neighborhoods.
Our renowned speaker is Doug Tallamy, the T. A. Baker Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, where he has authored 106 research publications and has taught insect related courses for 41 years. Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities. His book Bringing Nature Home was published by Timber Press in 2007, The Living Landscape, co-authored with Rick Darke, was published in 2014; Nature’s Best Hope, a New York Times Best Seller, was released in February 2020, and his latest book The Nature of Oaks was released by Timber press in March 2021. In 2021 he cofounded Homegrown National Park with Michelle Alfandari. His awards include recognition from The Garden Writer’s Association, Audubon, The National Wildlife Federation, The Garden Club of America and The American Horticultural Association.
The presentation by Dr. Tallamy will delight us with a month-by-month look at oak trees, beginning in October. A blue jay will co-star with the oak in this first monthly snapshot. Each season our oak trees play an important role, from helping the tiniest insects survive winter, to protecting our waterways, to feeding and sheltering our winged favorites from butterflies to bluejays. The presentation will conclude with a look at various oak species suitable for planting in a variety of situations.
By the end of the presentation we might just all be tree huggers and oak tree planters!
About this evening’s event partners
Deer Pond Farm – Connecticut Audubon is an 835-acre preserve in Sherman. The Connecticut Audubon society protects Connecticut’s birds, other wildlife, and their habitats through conservation, education, and advocacy.
Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy is a nonprofit, regional conservation organization working with the communities of Litchfield and northern Fairfield Counties to safeguard natural and working lands, public recreation areas, and drinking water resources forever. Founded in 1965, NCLC is the largest land trust in Connecticut, protecting 13,000 acres (and growing) of vast, connected natural areas. NCLC’s conserved lands include 21 public hiking preserves, 41 working farms, and over 3,000 acres of habitat for rare and endangered species.
Sherman Conservation Commission Our mission is to protect the natural environment of Sherman and all of its resources. The commission’s statutory obligation is to make environmental impact reports on proposed subdivisions, which will be submitted to the Sherman Planning and Zoning Commission.
Sherman Library is a community resource, freely available to all. The library responds to the public’s need for information, education and recreation. With books at its core, the library provides a wide range of materials, both print and non-print. It is the community’s center for lifelong learning. By incorporating new developments in technology the library ensures that its resources are accurate, timely and responsive to those it serves.